
vacuum vroooooooooooom


This morning, I looked out of a moving vehicle's window and into another. I saw a middle-aged man with a cigarette between his lips, another middle-aged woman beside him. In another, I saw another middle-aged man in a similar-looking business suit. I thought of sex (please don't get the wrong idea: No, it wasn't because of the men, hello!?) and hence, of responsibilities. I was glad for responsibilities then.


I've just surfed the 'net and my physics homework and math paper are in my bag and essays are still on my mental to-do list and last but not least, my ss revision is lying all untouched! Oh my god oh my god responsibilites can suck most of the time, agree with me please.

The only, only thing

I would splurge on is probably shoessssssssssssssssssss,

till I remembered this dress (extreme left) in my folder and thought, shoes AND a dress I would touch and look at and try on and close my eyes and smell every single day..

Till I remembered that this is applicable only if I have $$$, but I remembered being a poor student, and also remembered that I am still a penniless student.

I like blank spaces for being so scary

There's so many things I think of writing of (but not necessarily writing them here as I forgot about this place!) but I don't, because I have been keeping things all quiet and real private, penning down my thoughts in a pink book given to me sometime after my birthday. When I write in the book, which I hope only specific people get to read, I am more honest and spoken so I guess I should continue doing so and keep this up. On the other hand, I do not contemplate as much. In other words, I do not (seldom anyway) think before I write.

On another note, maybe I should not have told you its pink. I hope you really do not have a curious nature. Well, unless you are one of the above-mentioned persons (i.e. specific people that I hope would get to read what I wrote and know me as a person and not as the Whatever which I portray to you, or at least try to.)

Oh my god, this is getting too long, much to my dislike. Good-bye is my new favourite word!!!!!!!!!